React Optimizing Performance

Imran Miah
3 min readMay 7, 2021
React Optimizing Performance

Internally, the response uses several clever tactics to reduce the number of expensive DOM(Document Object Model) operations required to update the UI. The user interface is the point of human-computer interaction and communication on the device. For many applications, responsiveness leads to a faster user interface without having to work too hard to optimize usage, especially for performance. Still, there are several ways to speed up your response.

Use the Production Build

Benchmarking applications for feedback or if you are experiencing performance issues. Make sure you are testing with a revised product build. By default, the feedback includes a number of helpful alerts. These alerts are very effective in development. Of course, the production version should be used.

You need to download Reak Developer Tools from the Chrome extension. You need to check to see if your app is working properly. If the React in production mode with background dark is then OK is installed.

If a website made with React is red with a production mode background, it is developed.

Create React App

You need to type this command to install the React app.

npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start

If the React app You have to type this command to install it by clone.

npm run build
npm start

Single-File Builds

The response should be added to the production-ready version index.html file as a single file of the DOM :

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Profiling Components with the DevTools Profiler

What is Profiling Components: A profile contains multiple elements that you can use to effectively analyze the content and structure of data sources.

React Virtual DOM

React Virtual-DOM

What is React: React is a JavaScript library that created user-friendly fast and interactive user interfaces for web and mobile applications UI components. It manages a community of Facebook individual developers and companies. React can be used as a basis for the development of one-page/ single-page or mobile applications.

What is Virtual DOM: Virtual DOM (VDOM) is a programming concept where the representation of a UI is stored in a standard, or virtual memory, and synced with the real DOM ​​by a library like ReactDOM. This process is called reunion. React D0M attributes update manipulation, event handling, and manual DOM that you would otherwise use to build your application.

Why React: React is a popular javascript front-end web development user interfaces library.

  • dynamic applications: React make web application pages and dynamic application very easily . in this case, using React router, one can go from to another through Link that is to another route.
  • debugging: Facebook has released a Chrome extension that can be used to debug applications. This makes the process of debugging web applications faster and easier.

JSX — JavaScript Syntax Extension: Using JSX, we can write HTML structures with JavaScript code in the same file. Complex code avoids the use of JavaScript DOM structures, making it easier to understand and debugging code.

React Props: Props stand as “property”. basically used to assigned a property to reuse components over again. These are read-only elements. It is an object that stores the value of a tag’s properties and works similarly to HTML properties. It gives a way to pass data from one element to other elements. This is similar to function arguments. Arguments in a function are passed to props elements just as they are passed.

State and Props: The elements must be kept in a state then the data can be pass through the props. You can set the state in the parent component and pass it in the child component using props.

Default Props: Like default values for function arguments, props also have default values. can be defined as a property on the component class itself, to set the default props for the class.

Things you need to know about React: The response is a library and you have to decide for yourself. It helps you to create a user interface using elements.

